A Christmas nativity musical about a very busy innkeeper whose breakfast is more important to him than anything else!
An Annual Performance Licence is required to perform this title. For more information, please click here.
Downloadable PDF & MP3 Packs
This product is only available as an 'Instant Access PDF & MP3 pack'.
This pack includes a downloadable Teacher's Book (non-editable PDF), Downloadable Audio Tracks (MP3s) and an Annual Performance Licence.
For more information on PDF and MP3 packs, click here.
About The Innkeeper's Breakfast
A brand new Christmas nativity musical from Niki Davies about a very busy innkeeper whose breakfast is more important to him than anything else! Nobody is allowed to interrupt him until he has eaten it all up! One morning however, as he sits down to eat his enormous breakfast, there is knock after knock at the door and no end of interruptions. Find out if the Innkeeper ever manages to finish his breakfast and what happens when he discovers the real cause of the disruption.
An Annual Performance Licence is required to perform this nativity.
UK Primary Schools and LEA Nurseries can still pay on invoice - just select the Purchase Order payment option at the checkout.
Your Instant Access PDF & MP3 Pack includes:
- A read only PDF of the Teacher's Book - text is not editable
- All vocal and backing tracks of the songs for this title in an MP3 format
- Your pack does not include any physical products or Words on Screen™ eSongbooks.
Please note that after placing your order online you will receive a confirmation email which provides you with a link to access your access your files. Alternatively log in to your Out of the Ark online website account and go to your My Instant Access PDFs & MP3s section to download your files.
You will have 3 attempts to download the files - you must SAVE first before opening the zip-file containing your download.
For full information on Instant Access PDFs & MP3s click here.
Licence Information
Annual Performance Licence Information - What You Need To Know
- A current Annual Performance Licence is required to perform a musical or nativity to an audience (other than to pupils & staff), including an online audience, and irrespective of whether admission charges are made.
- It is more cost effective to purchase an Annual Performance Licence as part of a complete product pack.
- An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
- To renew your Annual Peformance Licence, log into your account if you have one and go to your My Licences section.
Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.
The following items are available for this product:
PDFs & MP3s
Instant Access: Please note that this product is only available in a digital format and does NOT include a physical Teacher's Book or Audio CD. You will receive a zip file that includes:- A read-only PDF of the Teacher's Book (text is not editable) with:
- Character list and staging
- Curriculum links for each song
- Script with lyrics for 7 songs
- Music score for 7 songs (Piano music score, melody and chords
- Licence and copyright details
- MP3 files with:
- Vocal tracks sung by children
- Professional backing tracks
Please note that after placing your order online you will receive a confirmation email which provides you with a link to access your Instant Access digital download. Alternatively log in to your Out of the Ark online website account and go to your My Instant Access PDFs & MP3s section to download your files.
You will have 3 attempts to download the files - you must SAVE first before opening the zip-file containing your download.
For full information on Instant Access PDFs & MP3s click here.
Annual Performance Licence
An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.
very cute
i did this with my p1-3s they all really enjoyed singing the songs and we added a dance to what a lovely breakfast to give more children parts they ran around the inkeepers table wearing pictures of the differant foods as they came up it was great and at the end all the parents couldnt tell me enogh about how cute it was and how well the children did, this is such a cute play!
Works for any age
We used this for church last year with a group of children age 2 to 10. For church we don't have as much practice time as a school might have, so we need songs that are easy to learn hence the KS1 and nursery plays are suitable but the advantage of this particular nativity story is that it will work with any age group. I have seen it done beautifully by a playgroup, but the role of the innkeeper works well as a character role for an older child.nThis play has all the elements of a traditional nativity, so was ideal for our crib service at church, and everyone (we have about 15 children in Sunday school) had at least one line to say. If you have more than that you can always add more travellers and more shepherds, who could either say a line together or you could add a few extra lines, so that everyone gets a chance to say something, or share the narrators part across several children.
Roles for everyone. Great songs. Easy to stage - vg resources.
This is a good one to start without mentioning christmas too early! We linked it into healthy eating / breakfasts. It was a great success with the pupils taking part and with audiences. I really enjoyed working on this too!
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