Terms & Conditions

(1) Definitions

In these terms and conditions, ‘we’ and ‘us’ mean: Out of the Ark Limited, Units F1 & F2, Kingsway Business Park, Oldfield Road, Hampton, Middx, TW12 2HD, UK, a company registered in England. Out of the Ark Limited is part of Out of the Ark Group Limited.

Out of the Ark Limited trades as Out of the Ark Music; Out of the Ark; outoftheark.com; Sparkyard; sparkyard.com; Words on Screen™; S!ngchronize™; and Singchronize®. ‘You’ means the person or organisation that purchases or receives goods, downloads, licences or services from us.


(2) General Terms & Conditions of Purchase


(3) Returns Policy

We want you to be delighted every time you purchase from us. Occasionally though, we know you may need to return items. If you want to return items to us for any reason, please contact our Customer Service department in the first instance, who will be able to talk you through our returns policy. For online (non-physical) products including song downloads, Words on Screen™ eSongbooks or Instant Access PDFs & MP3s, please see Sections 7 & 8 below.


(4) Payment Options

Payments made at the time of ordering can be made by debit or credit card securely on our website or by telephoning our Customer Service department. Where an invoice or pro-forma invoice has been issued, or you are sending payment with order, we accept payments by:

BACS – Send payment to: Account Number 00044040, Sort Code 20-90-56, using your Customer Code and/or Invoice Number as the reference. For international payments, you can pay via credit or debit card, as well as BACS transfers: IBAN - GB98 BUKB 2090 5600 0440 40; SWIFTBIC - BUKBGB22.

Debit or Credit Card – call our Customer Services department +44 (0)20 8481 7200.

Cheques – Denominated in Pounds Sterling ONLY made payable to ‘Out of the Ark Music’ and sent to: Out of the Ark Music, Units F1 & F2 Kingsway Business Park, Oldfield Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 2HD, UK. Please quote your Customer Code and/or Invoice Number on the back of the cheque.

If you are based in the European Union (EU) VAT area, and have an EU VAT number for VAT exemption, please submit it to us for approval using the EU VAT Status page in ‘My Account’. Having submitted an EU VAT number, please wait until you receive an e-mail from us confirming that it has been approved, before placing your order.


(5) Photocopying, Projecting & Reproduction

You are free to use all of the material - including songs and scripts - in the classroom for teaching purposes.

Photocopying of the published material is permitted under schools’ copying licences issued by PMLL, CLA and CCLI.

UK state schools should report when requested any:

- Photocopying, printing, displaying or projecting of the lyrics and music on their Schools Printed Music Licence (SPML) returns

- Reproduction of any non-music material (scripts, teachers’ notes, staging instructions, etc) on their Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) returns

Schools that do not have a CLA or SPML licence may under the terms of an Out of the Ark Music Annual Performance Licence or Annual Digital Site Licence:

Important:If the songs on their own are used in a school assembly, then photocopying, printing, displaying or projecting the lyrics or music score are covered by the school’s Christian Copyright Licensing Inc. (CCLI) licences and should be logged and reported as required by CCLI.


(6) Performances and Adaptations

Further information regarding Reproduction, Performance and Licensing can be obtained from the Copyright & Licences section of our website.


(7) Additional Terms & Conditions For The Purchase & Supply Of Software, The Purchase or Rental of Words on Screen™ Downloadable or Streamable Songs, and Out of the Ark CD ROM Products

These additional terms and conditions can be found in our full Player terms here.

These additional terms and conditions form part of these overall Terms and Conditions.


(8) Other Digital Downloads including Instant Access PDF & MP3 Packs


(9) Data Protection

Your trust is important to us and we at Out of the Ark Music take your privacy very seriously. We treat information provided by you with the utmost care and take appropriate steps to protect your data. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.


(10) Scope of This Agreement

This agreement, which includes the links to additional relevant Terms and Conditions as noted above, is the entire agreement between Out of the Ark and you relating to the goods, downloads, licences or services and it supersedes any prior representations, discussions, undertakings, communications, or advertising relating to the goods, downloads, licences or services.

If any part of this agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of this agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms.

Out of the Ark Music
Kingsway Business Park, Oldfield Road,
Hampton, Middlesex TW12 2HD

Out of the Ark Ltd. Registered Office: 62 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex, BN16 3NR, UK
(please do not mail to this address).
Registered in England Company Number 04399498.