Assembly Songbooks

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Primary Assembly Songs

Adored by teachers in thousands of schools around the world, our primary school assembly songbooks are a firm favourite as each song we write has been created to help children to learn musically and educationally with age appropriate songs. Loved by kids and adults too, our primary assembly songs are carefully written for primary school children aged 5 to 11 and contain catchy melodies and engaging lyrics that are ideal for primary school collective worship and assemblies. Packed with support suggestions, activities  and ideas, our school assembly songs include useful and familiar themes for the whole year that children will just love to sing.


Bring the whole school together with our primary assembly songs, featuring popular termly topics such as the seasons, the new term, Easter celebrations, leaver’s events, harvest festival and of course Christmas services. We’ve got songs for every occasion and event including  a whole host of educationally relevant themes such as, Walk To School Week, World Book Day or Share A Story Month, with many links to the curriculum and PSHE in particular.  We have something to suit each and every primary school, so pupils can look forward to singing in unison about the world around them.


Many of our assembly songbooks shown on this page are also available with the hugely popular Words on Screen™ software available on a physical CD ROM or in our Words on Screen™ online Player.  Providing an easy way to teach the songs and show the words on interactive whiteboards and other display screens - the lyrics automatically synchronize with the music as it plays.