Join Peter Pan, the Lost Boys, and Wendy, Michael and John Darling as they encounter predatory pirates, wild warriors, shimmering but shallow mermaids and a crocodile with an insatiable appetite for Captain Hook! Get stuck into this adventure of a leavers’ musical and let your imagination loose – it’s amazing what happens when you just believe!
‘Can you imagine a world without magic – where no one was able to dream? Stories from childhoods that last for a lifetime until you forget to believe…’
Brought to you by the bestselling writing team of Cinderella & Rockerfella, Aladdin Trouble and A Hint Of Snow White, this musical is one of imagination, adventure and loyalty, with a sprinkling of magic for extra measure!
An Annual Performance Licence is required to perform this title. For more information, please click here.

It’s magical, it’s comical, it’s an adventure of a lifetime!
In 1929, J M Barrie unexpectedly and generously gifted his copyright of Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that we will be paying royalties directly to GOSH as part of your songbook purchase and related performance-licence payment. Click here for more information. Additionally we are delighted to be raising awareness of Gosh’s new campaign Build It, Beat It. If you want to fundraise with your school please visit GOSH’s schools webpage.
About Peter Pan The Musical
This magic-filled KS2 musical adventure has been carefully crafted by some of our best-selling writers, who know exactly what you’re looking for to create a performance of a lifetime!
These 11 songs take you all the way to Neverland and back with all the excitement, sparkle and big finale feelings you’ll be on the edge of your seat for! So, if you’re looking for songs of imagination, togetherness and adventure – and perhaps even a crocodile, clumsy pirate or sassy mermaid group – look no further! We’ve got group parts, optional solos, and we’ve EVEN thrown in an overture for you – we just couldn’t resist!
This musical carries all the magic and wonder of the story we all know and love, with a good dose of Out of the Ark smile-factor too! This is a story of friendship, adventure and imagination – oh, and a certain pirate who can make a mean macaroon…
We’ve got the Lost Boys, sassy mermaids, persistent pirates, wild warriors, the Darling family and, of course, Pan and Tink (and more!) all playing their important part in this adventure of a lifetime! Fancy casting the infamous crocodile?
As well as the laugh-out-loud script and super singable songs, we’ve got choreography videos, audition suggestions and six jam-packed pages of staging, choreography, costume and prop ideas to help bring this musical to life!
‘I've been a Head for over 20 years and Peter Pan is definitely one of the best Year 6 productions I've had the pleasure to watch!’
‘Such a brilliant play: easy to put on; hilarious for adults; fun for the children; great songs. It's always a joy to watch our children shine!’
‘Full of magic from beginning to end’
Want to see some more five-star reviews from our lovely customers? Click here!
Staging & Choreography Suggestions
There are 45 speaking parts (plus essential non-speaking roles – Shadow and fairies, although the mermaids could double as the fairies).
Increasing the cast size
The speaking parts can easily be increased to 60 if you allow for six additional wild warriors and split the lines accordingly; seven additional pirates and split the lines accordingly; and two narrators. Have as many additional non-speaking pirates, warriors and fairies as you like to further increase the cast size.
Decreasing the cast size
The cast list can be reduced to 32 speaking parts by doing the following:
- Reduce number of Wild Warriors to five and reallocate lines accordingly
- Pirates 1-5’s lines could be taken instead by the named pirates in the play
- Liza and Mrs Darling could double up as mermaids
- Mr Darling could double up as the Chief
- One child could say the twins’ lines
- Two of the Lost Boys could double as the Shadow and the Ship’s Cook
(Total length of music: 38 minutes approx)
Songs with harmonies and part-singing:
- Tell Me A Story
- Don't Look Down
- Wendy House
- Pirates Of The Sea
- Loyal To You We Stand
- How Did We End Up Here, Nana?
- Do You Believe In Fairies?
- You've Done It Again, Mr Smee!
- It's A Good Life!
Licence Information
Annual Performance Licence Information - What You Need To Know
- A current Annual Performance Licence is required to perform a musical or nativity to an audience (other than to pupils & staff), including an online audience, and irrespective of whether admission charges are made.
- It is more cost effective to purchase an Annual Performance Licence as part of a complete product pack.
- An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
- To renew your Annual Peformance Licence, log into your account if you have one and go to your My Licences section.
Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.
All of our eSongbooks come with a Single User Licence
- This means you can install our Words on Screen™ software onto ONE computer only, or it can be streamed by a single user.
- If you would like to install this software onto your network server and/or two or more computers, or allow multiple users to stream Words on Screen™ songs, this will be covered by your Annual Performance Licence which includes extended digital rights. For more information, click here.
The following items are available for this product:
Teacher's Book
- Cast List
- Costume Ideas
- Prop Ideas
- Characters By Scene
- Audition Pieces
- Directors' Assistant Section (Staging & Choreography)
- Script with staging suggestions throughout
- Music score and song lyric sheets for 12 songs (Piano music score, melody and chords)
- Licence and copyright details
Audio CD
- Vocal tracks sung by children
- Professional backing tracks
- Sound Effects: Fairy Dust, Ticking, Arrow, Splash
Words on Screen™ eSongbook
- An online version of your product to stream or download on-the-go
- Extractable MP3s, printable lyrics, scores, scripts (including editable script*), & additional resources
- Words on Screen™ versions of songs so that you can display song lyrics on any whiteboard, computer screen, television or interactive touchscreen. The lyrics synchronize with the music as it plays making them easy to teach and easy to learn
- Stream or download your songs on the go
- Flexibility to create an expandable library of Words on Screen™ song collections, nativities and musicals in your Out of the Ark online account
- Enhanced operation features including ‘double-click’ to hear and teach a single line
- Words on Screen™ user guide
- Single-User licence (Please note a Performance Licence is still required to perform this musical)
- Licence & copyright details
*For your convenience, we have provided an editable script in Word format for this nativity or musical. The purpose of the editable script is to allow you to adjust the allocation of speaking parts for smaller or larger cast sizes and/or to make minor changes to the text for staging purposes.
Annual Performance Licence
An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.
Rehearsal CDs
- Vocal tracks sung by children
- Professional backing tracks
- Sound effects: Fairy Dust, Ticking, Arrow, Splash
- Available in packs of 5, 10 or 20
Just Wonderful
We used the songs from Out of the Ark for our production of Peter Pan this year and it was a huge hit! I knew "Don't Look Down" would be a showstopper, but every song and scene was thoroughly enjoyed. The ideas for staging provided by Out of the Ark were also super helpful and made scene changes, props and "flying" doable with the limited resources we had to work with. When it was all said and done the audience was blown away and our students were proud of their performance. I am so grateful to Out of the Ark for the professional and top notch resources they provide.
Brilliant in every way!
I've been a Head for over 20 years and Peter Pan is definitely one of the best Year 6 productions I've had the pleasure to watch!The songs are great,so many children can get involved and the story is sprinkled with magic! I'd highly recommend for Upper KS2.
It's always a joy to watch our children shine!
We have just finished our fabulous production of 'Peter Pan'. Thanks @singoutoftheark for such a brilliant play: easy to put on; hilarious for adults; fun for the children; great songs. It's always a joy to watch our children shine!
Just brilliant.
We have just put on this show of Peter Pan with our Year 3 and 4s. The pupils absolutely loved it, great, catchy songs and fantastic script. We liked that we were able to group pupils into different characters and give them their own song. Lost Boys, Pirates (winner of a song), Mermaids and Warriors. Even able to give the Darling family a song as well. Easy to get costumes for, make props and scenery and we even had pupils flying over London on a green screen during the song 'Don't Look Down'. Can't wait to do it again in a few years.
Brilliant product students loved it
Brilliant. I work at a primary school and used this for the year 6 leavers show this year in july. The words on screen , the script and the CD and the songs were brilliant. Recommend 100 %
Full of magic from beginning to end
I just wanted to write to say thank you for the amazing work you've done on Peter Pan. We have performed most of your musicals over the last 15 years and have one performance (tonight) of Peter Pan left. It's been the most joyous one to perform, even beating Alice The Musical, which has been a long-held favourite. We have expanded the staging to include all 130 members of the school cast, for example, making the crocodile out of our Reception Class boys! The children have absolutely loved the songs and gobbled them up as quickly as we could introduce them, harmony parts and all. This is down to your amazing compositions which the children could access really easily and perform to a very high standard. They have also very much enjoyed the humour in the script and we've had no problem at all in getting lines learnt. The feedback from our first two shows has been phenomenal, which is particularly special for us having missed a Production last year and having had no singing in school for the whole covid period. So, from our whole school community, a huge thank you for bringing us this musical - it's been full of magic from beginning to end.
Brilliant Production!
I work at a British International school in China and we have been very fortunate here in China to be able to go back to relative normality and so were extremely happy to be able to put on this year's production of Peter Pan as planned. What an amazing production to welcome parents back into our campus with! Everyone enjoyed the songs (they are still fresh in my head weeks after) and the script was full of humour (though the jokes are very British). We had a cast of around 50 found the script easy to accommodate all the children. We had extra crocodiles that made one big crocodile, warriors, pirates, lost boys etc. It was such an enjoyable script to work with. Thank you!!
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