Instilling The Values Within You Are Special Through Crafts

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We are excited to present our newest musical, You Are Special, based on the best-selling book by Christian author Max Lucado. Retold and brought to life through songs by Mark, Helen and Naomi Johnson, with a script by Sue Langwade, this much-loved, modern-day parable comes with a vital message: that regardless of what other people think, we are loved and valued, just as we are.

With huge potential to help unpack key values of acceptance and self-worth, You Are Special is a beautiful musical that will touch the hearts and minds of teachers, parents and children alike.

In this blog we have linked the values within You Are Special to several craft activities. We hope you enjoy them and we would love for you to share your class’s creations with us!

Song: We’re The Wemmicks
Craft: Split-Pin Wemmick
Values: Inclusivity and community. Wemmicks come in all shapes and sizes, with all sorts of strengths and weaknesses. Every Wemmick is special and precious – just like humans! Labelling and judging are not good ways to be a community; making the effort to respect everyone’s differences and celebrate our diversity is much better.
Song: Stars And Dots
Craft: Stars And Dots Biscuits
Values: Positive self-worth and identity. The pain of judgement or the thrill of approval shouldn’t define us, and shouldn’t have the power to inform our identity. Making these biscuits creates room for discussion about the ‘dots’ and ‘stars’ we place on each other, then eating them makes a visual (and delicious!) statement of rejecting them.
Song: Go And See Eli
Craft: Shadow Puppets
Values: Love and acceptance. Children and adults alike need to know their great worth. More than that, we need to have the strength and courage to believe in our intrinsic worth when met with judgements or shallow approval. Reminding ourselves, and each other, that we are special and loved helps us to shed the judgements that affect our self-worth. Check out our Youtube channel for a shadow puppet theatre video too!
Song: The Stickers Only Stick
Craft: Stars-And-Dots Magnets
Values: Positive self-worth and identity. When we know our value, accept ourselves and trust that we are loved, strong and healthy self-esteem is built. This gives us a good foundation to stop the judgements of others affecting us. We also have to make a conscious decision not to let the ‘stickers stick’, choosing to not accept or dwell on the judgements people may try to put on us.
Song: You Are Special
Craft: Mirror Decorating
Values: Positive self-worth and identity. Every one of us is loved and special. It’s important to accept and appreciate the love that is shown to us, letting it build up our self-worth. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, it’s an opportunity to allow the statement ‘You are special’ sink in, making positive self-affirmation a habit.

Our brand-new musical You Are Special is OUT NOW!

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