Sustainable Nativities: 'Tis The Season!

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Putting on a nativity is a staple in the school calendar for SO many of us – why not make this year’s show, and the shows to follow, a little more eco-friendly?

Here are some top tips for making your nativity more sustainable:

Purchasing your nativity

Sustainable shopping is TOTALLY possible with us at Out of the Ark. Did you know that we provide an eSongbook option? This gives you absolutely everything you need (script, sheet music, lyrics, cast lists, extra resources, Words on Screen™ and the MP3s), as soon as you complete your purchase? You can of course print anything you need to, but everything is there digitally for you to get rehearsing. This also saves on post and packing charges – woohoo! This is the second purchasing option under the ‘pricing and options’ tab on our product pages. Check out our newest nativity The Twinkly Nativity here.


At Out of the Ark, we do a couple of photo shoots each year, and have done for as long as we can remember. That is A LOT of Mary and Joseph costumes! This year, when we were planning the photo shoot for our brand-new The Twinkly Nativity, we decided to look for costumes on second-hand clothing sites. Here we found treasure chests of nativity costumes at a fraction of the original price.

We also had a rummage around and made costumes using bedding!

These are our lovely shepherds absolutely rocking the old-pillowcase-we-don’t-use-any-more look.

‘Hand me downs’ are always a great way of recycling old costumes for nativities. Many schools have a donations system for leavers, whereby they donate their old costumes for the school to start collating a wardrobe of its own. We’ve found it takes very little to make a well-loved costume feel new again. *Gets out the glitter glue!*

Rehearsing – send nativities home with Sparkyard

This next tip not only saves you some paper, but also some rehearsal hours. With Sparkyard, whether you’re on a free trial or a full subscription, you can use our Share Link function to send songs home! This means your class can access all the songs from your chosen nativity with the Words on Screen™ function. Say goodbye to printing lyric sheets, and hello to super-rehearsed casts! Double win!

Extra ways to be extra green!

From performance e-invites to eco-friendly glitter, there are so many ways to keep sustainability in the forefront of your mind at this time of year. Here are some handy articles for having a sustainable Christmas more generally – be sure to check these out!


Here’s to eco-friendly, super-duper-easy nativity seasons, for one and all!

P.S. Performing The Twinkly Nativity this Christmas? We’ve created a handy e-invite that you can use to send out to your excited audiences! Download the customisable e-invite PDF here.

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