Six Top Primary School Ideas About Plants And Flowers

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Flora and fauna might sound like the latest double act (think Ant and Dec), but they are in fact two amazing aspects of nature. Flora is the general term for plants and flowers and fauna for animals.
Here are some ideas to challenge children to find out more about flora!

1. Flora Explorers!

First, we’ll look at some exciting things you can do to learn more about plants.
Click here to see lots of short videos providing all sorts of information about plants. Why not encourage some of your friends to watch them too, then organize a quiz and see who can win the title of ‘Botany Brain Of The Year’?

2. Flower Power

Apart from adding beauty and colour to our gardens and parks and providing vitally important nectar for bees, flowers can be used in several other ways:
  • You can use flowers to make a lovely picture by pressing them. It’s a great way to be able to remember sunny Spring days when the weather turns cold, or to bring back memories of a special day out. Learn how to do it here.
  • If you want to bring the outdoors in and can get hold of some flowers, (be sure to check that it’s OK before picking any), why not try your hand at the art of flower arranging? Here are some useful tips of how to begin.
Who knows? Your next stop may be the local flower show!

3. The Next Best Thing...

If you don’t have any real flowers, don’t despair, you can make a decorative arrangement of homemade ones - they’ll probably last even longer!
You can find out how to make some pretty impressive ones here and here.

4. What's That Smell?

I’m sure we all love the scent of flowers, so why not have a go at making your own perfume from them? If you make it as a gift for someone special, you will certainly come up smelling of roses!
In this video, the perfume is made to be used as a sign of hospitality. Why not make some ready for when you can welcome friends to your house again?

5. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum

You can’t grow a seed without soil!
Oh yes you can!
No, it’s not panto season, but you can bring a bit of fairy-tale magic into your home by growing your very own beanstalk, without using any soil!
Download this activity And don’t forget to beware of giants!

6. A Final Note...

Some people think that singing (or talking) to plants helps them grow. Whatever the science behind that theory, we don’t think it can ever be a bad thing to sing!
Why not start by downloading the activities and singing The Seed Song from Spring Assembly Songs.

Or take a look at some more suggested songs here in our Top 5 Primary School Songs To Sing About Growing Plants And Flowers: 
  1. In My Garden by Mark and Helen Johnson from Songs for EVERY Growing School.  A simple feel-good, fun song about the process of planting and growing things. Ages 5+
  2. I’m A Little Seed by Niki Davies from The Niki Davies Book of Splendid Science Songs. In this simple song for younger voices, learn how a little seed that is fast asleep grows into a flower. Ages 3+
  3. A Tiny Seed Is Sleeping by Niki Davies from The Niki Davies Book of Spring & Summer Songs. This simple popular song takes you from seed to flower. Ages 3+
  4. Everything Starts With A Seed by Paul and Ruth Field from Sing™ Easter. Learn about germination and photosynthesis as you sing this delightful song about seeds!   Includes echoes in the chorus. Age 5+
  5. Clever Little Bulbs by Mary Green & Julie Stanley from Sing™ Easter. From bulb to fully grown daffodil, this song is perfect for group singing, with lots of scope for dressing up and acting it all out! Age 5+

Other useful links on the Out of the Ark website:

Written by Sue Langwade – Guest Writer for Out of the Ark Music
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