Win a bottle of bubbly & a fabulous resource for your school!

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Christmas is nearly here and it’s competition time at Out of the Ark!
The titles of lots of UK Number One Christmas singles are hidden in the text of this week’s post (some are more difficult to spot than others, and some are downright sneaky!). Find as many as you can and you could win yourself a bottle of bubbly! You can also choose any Words on Screen™ single title for your school. Details on how to enter can be found at the bottom of the page. Good luck!

The autumn term is one of huge changes: it starts in the long-evening-ed golden glow of summer, passes through the drizzly mist of autumn and ends with winter forcing wet playtimes and leaving the school littered with scarves, bobble hats and single gloves.

New pupils, so nervous and tiny on their first day, have become familiar faces, confident and entirely at home as they move around the school. You’ve planned reams of lessons, marked many biros’ worth of work, celebrated harvest festivals, rehearsed and performed Christmas concerts and nativities… it’s a mad world that can, at times, get too much! Then, just when you believe it can’t get any more hectic, and you don’t want to stay another day longer in the classroom, hallelujah, the holidays ride to the rescue and, for a few weeks at least, it’s time to say goodbye to school and hello to the green, green grass of home. 

Of course, you’re exhausted, but when you do finally get a second to yourself, jingle bells tinkling at the edge of your consciousness, and you open that ‘Let’s have another party’ mug giftset and all the ‘I love you’ Christmas cards, your spirit lifts immediately – what a wonderful world it is really! And sometimes it takes a moment like this to make you feel as if only you know the true ups and downs, the trials and the tribulations that teaching in a primary school can bring each and every day.

So go on, get on home, love yourself – you’ve earned it! Shut the front door, let Bing Crosby croon White Christmas to you (or maybe you’d be happier with Uptown Funk). Decorate that tree, hang up the mistletoe and why not treat yourself to a glass of something bubbly?

And from all of us at Out of the Ark – merry Christmas everyone, wherever you are! 

Send your answers (list of songs) to Closing date for entries is midnight on 2 January 2017. The winner will be selected at random from the entries with the most correct answers. The winning entry will be announced in the blog on 9 January.

Terms and Conditions
  • Competition prize is a bottle of Prosecco AND any Premium Package Out of the Ark Music title - Book, Audio CD and Words on Screen™ CD ROM up to the value of £44.95 ( excludes Performance or Digital Site Licences)
  • Closing date for entries is midnight on Monday 2nd January 2017
  • Send your answers (list of songs) to
  • The winner will be selected at random from the entries with the most correct answers by Friday 6th January 2017
  • The winner will be notified by Wednesday 11th January 2017
  • Prizes must be redeemed by Friday 10th February 2017
  • No cash alternative to the prizes will be offered
  • The prizes are not transferable. Prizes are subject to availability.
  • Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions
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