summer holidays.
But as the nights start drawing in and the temperatures start to drop, there can’t be many of us who haven’t thought that it’d be altogether easier to curl up and hide ourselves away, tucked up in bed as the cold months of winter loom! Hibernation for humans, however, remains nothing more than an idle daydream and we just have to content ourselves with the occasional duvet day!

All this is done to conserve energy and baby hedgehogs, called urchins or hoglets, have to feed quickly through spring and autumn to build up enough fat stores to see them through the winter. If you see a hedgehog out and about during the winter, they probably need help and you should take them to a wild animal sanctuary.
So, amidst the hustle and bustle of the autumn term, how about bringing hibernation into the classroom with these sleep-inspired activities? Hibernation is a perfect song to set the scene!
- Ask the children to make a sleep chart for a week. How long do they spend asleep? How much
of every day, week or year do they spend in bed? - Hedgehogs need warm and cosy nests to rest up in, so why not try making a hedgehog home to
keep in a quiet corner of the school field (here are some instructions from St Tiggywinkles on
constructing one)? - Some dormice have been found to hibernate for 11 months of the year! What would it be like to sleep
for this long and what would your class miss while they were hibernating? - Make a pros and cons chart to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of hibernating for
the winter.

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