So it is with a song! You’ve learned the tune and the words, sung it in a concert, sung it in assemblies, sung it in the bath… time to put it back on the shelf and move on to something new. But wait! Just like the forgotten After Eight, the best bit is still to be discovered.
There’s so much to a song… any song! There are the lyrics and the tune, of course, but what about the harmony, the rhythms, the instruments used in the accompaniment, the style, the imagery…
Any one of these can be the starting point for a journey of discovery in the classroom. Don’t believe me? Let me show you how.
It’s the autumn term – lots of preparations for the year ahead, not least for the looming harvest festival – so let’s take a look at A Happy Little Harvest Song from Songs for EVERY Growing School. This is a fabulous song with a brilliant, carefree ‘autumn’s-in-the-air’ feel, but what can we find if we dig a little deeper?
Included with each song in the new EVERY series is a Music Activity sheet. This great resource is jam-packed with ideas for using a song as a springboard for creative learning, not just in music lessons but across the curriculum. How about an intervals game? Grab your hula hoops and let’s go!
And that’s not all! With curricular links for every subject you can take a song outside the music classroom and let it open the door to a creative journey in almost any subject.

The new EVERY series – full of mint-spiration!
Comment posted by Charlie on Monday 19th September 2016
I love the creative learnig ideas