“Extra! Extra! – Read all about it!” So read the front page of The Angel Express, announcing the birth of Jesus. The angels respond with great excitement and hastily form a choir to sing and celebrate the arrival of the newborn King. Angel Express is a brand-new nativity for infants. Now available with Words on Screen™.
An Annual Performance Licence is required to perform this title. For more information, please click here.
About Angel Express
- Same author as best-selling nativity Whoops-a-Daisy Angel
- Simple, easy to learn script that is ideal for 3-6 year olds
- Curriculum links included to support learning in the classroom
- Can be adapted for larger groups/whole school performances
Angel Express follows the excitement of heaven’s host of angels as they hurriedly practise a new song for the birth of baby Jesus – this will have to be an express production! Can the conductor prepare them in time with so many distracting headlines such as ‘Mary and Joseph Leave for Bethlehem’, ‘Enormous Star Seen In the East’ and ‘Three Kings Sighted From Afar’?
With a simple script and easy-to-learn songs from one of Out of the Ark’s most popular writers, Niki Davies, this creative take on the nativity story is the only play you will need this Christmas. Look no further than the Angel Express nativity for the easy solutions that you have been praying for to expand or reduce a cast list. Children and parents alike will enjoy the solo-singing opportunity in I Only Have A Little Stable, as well as the jubilant whole-cast songs such as News, News and Welcome To The World.
Available with Words on Screen™ allowing you to display song lyrics on any whiteboard, computer screen, television or interactive touchscreen. The lyrics synchronize with the music as it plays making them easy to teach and easy to learn!
An editable script is available for this product when you purchase a package that includes an eSongbook.
View cast list and staging notes
Cast notes: There are 29 speaking parts and 4 non-speaking parts (including Mary & Joseph). Angels are also required for the choir.
For smaller groups, the least number of performers is 12. This would require most of the cast appearing as choir angels throughout the performance; only 4 angels with approximately 5 speaking lines each; only one angel paperboy and the conductor and narrator’s parts being taken by adults. The three innkeepers could also double up as the three kings.
Whole school: The narrator part is suitable for an adult/older children or could be split between a group of children. Have as many chorister angels as you like as well as adding non-speaking parts for the big star, shepherds, sheep and three kings. You could include additional narrators, angel paperboys and angel reader parts.
25 minutes approx
(Total length of music: 12 minutes approx)
Licence Information
Annual Performance Licence Information - What You Need To Know
- A current Annual Performance Licence is required to perform a musical or nativity to an audience (other than to pupils & staff), including an online audience, and irrespective of whether admission charges are made.
- It is more cost effective to purchase an Annual Performance Licence as part of a complete product pack.
- An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
- To renew your Annual Peformance Licence, log into your account if you have one and go to your My Licences section.
Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.
All of our eSongbooks come with a Single User Licence
- This means you can install our Words on Screen™ software onto ONE computer only, or it can be streamed by a single user.
- If you would like to install this software onto your network server and/or two or more computers, or allow multiple users to stream Words on Screen™ songs, this will be covered by your Annual Performance Licence which includes extended digital rights. For more information, click here.
The following items are available for this product:
Teacher's Book
- Cast list
- Staging ideas
- Curriculum links
- Script
- Music score and song lyric sheets for 7 songs (Piano music score, melody and chords)
- Licence and copyright details
Audio CD
- Vocal tracks sung by children
- Professional backing tracks
- Extra backing track for 'Welcome, Baby Jesus' including backing vocals for smaller groups.
Words on Screen™ eSongbook
- An online Words on Screen™ product to stream or download
- Extractable MP3s, printable lyrics, scores, scripts (including editable script*) & additional resources
- Words on Screen™ versions of songs so that you can display song lyrics on any whiteboard, computer screen, television or interactive touchscreen. The lyrics synchronize with the music as it plays making them easy to teach and easy to learn
- Flexibility to create an expandable library of Words on Screen™ song collections, nativities and musicals in your Out of the Ark online account
- Enhanced operation features including ‘double-click’ to hear and teach a single line
- Words on Screen™ user guide
- Single-User licence (Please note a Performance Licence is still required to perform this musical)
- Licence & copyright details
Annual Performance Licence
An Annual Performance Licence covers any number of performances of a particular musical or nativity within 12 months of the date of ordering. A separate Annual Performance Licence is required for each product title.
Find out more about what your Annual Performance Licence will legally cover you to do.
Rehearsal CDs
- Vocal tracks sung by children
- Professional backing tracks
- Extra backing track for 'Welcome, Baby Jesus' including backing vocals for smaller groups.
- Available in packs of 5, 10 or 20
Simply delightful
Children ranged from 3 - 14 yrs. This musical gave many of our young children their first chance to say a line and have fun with it. The tea party was just gorgeous.The paperboy and conductor shone in their roles. As an addition, the story line enabled our older children to act out those parts of the Nativity story that were called out by the paperboy. Lots of positive feedback after performance re the catchy songs.
Brilliant fun!
I just staged this musical with my class (6-7 year olds) and it was a huge hit with the children, staff and parents. The songs are so catchy and easy to learn and the children loved performing them. Would definitely recommend Angel Express.
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